5. Python API Reference#

5.1. Installing Flow360 Client#

The Flow360 client can be installed (and updated) from PyPI. Make sure you have the Python setuptools. If not, sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools.

pip3 install flow360client
pip3 install --upgrade flow360client

5.2. Sign in with your Account and Password#

An account can be created at https://flow360.simulation.cloud/signup.

>>> import flow360client
enter your email registered at flexcompute:********@gmail.com
Password: ***********
Do you want to keep logged in on this machine ([Y]es / [N]o)Y

Once you have installed the Flow360 client and signed into it, you can run your first case using the ONERA M6 Wing tutorial in the Quick Start section of this document.

5.3. flow360client module#

flow360client.NewCase(meshId, config, caseName=None, tags=[], priority='high', parentId=None)#

Submit a new case from mesh Id.

  • meshId (str) – Mesh Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • config (path (str) or dict) – Flow360.json parameters for the case. It can be path to the json file or python dict.

  • caseName (str, optional) – Case name, if not provided it will be the same as config file name, required if dict provided as a config, by default None

  • tags (list, optional) – List of tags, by default []

  • priority (str, optional) – Queueing priority, ‘high’ or ‘low’, by default ‘high’

  • parentId (str, optional) – Parent case Id for forked cases. Format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, by default None


Case id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Return type


flow360client.NewCaseListWithPhase(meshId, config, caseName=None, tags=[], priority='high', parentId=None, phaseCount=1)#

Submits a sequence of cases sharing the same meshId, where each case forks from the previous one. The maxPhysicalStep is split equally among the list of cases. This capability should only be used for conducting a long unsteady simulation to avoid running a single case for long time. For example, if the maxPhysicalStep is 1000 and phaseCount=2, the above API submits 2 cases with maxPhysicalStep=500 for each.

  • meshId (str) – Mesh Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • config (path (str) or dict) – Flow360.json parameters for the case. It can be path to the json file or python dict.

  • caseName (str, optional) – Case name, if not provided it will be the same as config file name, required if dict provided as a config, by default None

  • tags (list, optional) – List of tags, by default []

  • priority (str, optional) – Queueing priority, ‘high’ or ‘low’, by default ‘high’

  • parentId (str, optional) – Parent case Id for forked cases. Format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, by default None

  • phaseCount (int, optional) – [description], by default 1


List of case ids, where case id is of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Return type


flow360client.NewMesh(fname, noSlipWalls=None, meshName=None, tags=[], fmat=None, endianness=None, solverVersion=None, meshJson=None)#

Uploads new mesh. Supports CGNS and UGRID mesh formats. For CGNS mesh format, noSlipWalls are validated with the mesh before upload (requires h5py to by installed).

  • fname (path (str)) – Path to mesh file.

  • noSlipWalls (list, optional) – List of no-slip walls in the mesh, must be provided if meshJson not provided, by default None

  • meshName (str, optional) – Mesh name, if not provided mesh file name will be used, by default None

  • tags (list, optional) – List of mesh tags, by default []

  • fmat (str, optional) – Mesh file format, supported [aflr3, cgns]. Automatically deducted if not provided, by default None

  • endianness (str, optional) – Endianness for UGIRD mesh, ‘big’ for .b8.ugrid, and ‘little’ for .lb8.ugrid, if not provided, read from file extention, by default None

  • solverVersion (str, optional) – Solver version to be used for mesh and cases created from this mesh. If not provided, the latest will be used, by default None

  • meshJson (path (str) or dict, optional) – Flow360Mesh.json parameters for the mesh. It can be path to the json file or python dict. Must be provided if noSlipWalls not provided, by default None


Mesh id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Return type


flow360client.NewMeshFromSurface(surfaceMeshId, config, meshName=None, tags=[], solverVersion=None)#

Generates new volume mesh from surface mesh.

  • surfaceMeshId (str) – Surface mesh Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • config (path (str) or dict) – Flow360SurfaceToVolumeMesh.json parameters for the volume mesher. It can be path to the json file or python dict.

  • meshName (str, optional) – Mesh name, if not provided it will be the same as config file name, required if dict provided as a config, by default None

  • tags (list, optional) – List of mesh tags, by default []

  • solverVersion (str, optional) – Solver version to be used for mesh and cases created from this mesh. If not provided, the latest will be used, by default None


Mesh id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Return type


flow360client.NewSurfaceMeshFromGeometry(fileName, geometryToSurfaceMeshJson, surfaceMeshName=None, tags=[], solverVersion=None)#

Creates new surface mesh from geometry.

  • fileName (path (str)) – Geometry file name. Supported format: CSM (Engineering Sketch Pad)

  • geometryToSurfaceMeshJson (path (str) or dict) – Flow360GeometryToSurfaceMesh.json parameters for the surface mesher. It can be path to the json file or python dict.

  • surfaceMeshName (str, optional) – Surface mesh name, by default None

  • tags (list, optional) – List of surface mesh tags, by default []

  • solverVersion (str, optional) – Solver version to be used for surface mesh, volume mesh and cases created from this mesh. If not provided, the latest will be used, by default None


Surface mesh id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Return type



Reads noSlipWalls from mapbc file (UGRID).


mapbcFile (path (str)) – Path to mapbc file


List of no-slip walls.

Return type



Interactive command-line generator for Flow360Case.json with explanation. Walks through following configuration sections:

  • geometry

  • freestream

  • boundaries

  • slidingInterfaces

  • timeStepping

  • navierStokesSolver

  • turbulenceModelSolver

  • volumeOutput

  • surfaceOutput


Returns Flow360Case.json - a simulation configuration file

Return type

json (dict)


Deletes case of given caseId


caseId (str) – Case Id to be deleted. Format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns http response of the delete operation.

Return type

http response

flow360client.case.DownloadResultsFile(caseId, src, target=None)#

For a given caseId downloads a result file. The following files can be downloaded through this function:

  • surfaces.tar.gz - surface data of the case, for visualisation or postprocessing

  • volumes.tar.gz - volumetric data of the case, for visualisation or postprocessing

  • nonlinear_residual_v2.csv- nonlinear residuals. The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, <equation>...

  • linear_residual_v2.csv - linear residuals. The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, 0_NavierStokes_linearIterations, <equation>..., 0_<turbulence model>_linearIterations, <equation>...

  • cfl_v2.csv - cfl number. The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, <equation>...

  • minmax_state_v2.csv - min and max state of the case. Contains minimum value of pressure, minimum value of density, and maximum value of velocity magnitude, with respective locations. The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, min_rho, min_rho_x, min_rho_y, min_rho_z, min_p, min_p_x, min_p_y, min_p_z, max_umag, max_umag_x, max_umag_y, max_umag_z

  • surface_forces_v2.csv - all surface forces splited by boundary (no-slip wall surfaces). The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, <name>_CL, <name>_CD, <name>_CFx, <name>_CFy, <name>_CFz, <name>_CMx, <name>_CMy, <name>_CMz, <name>_CLPressure, <name>_CDPressure, <name>_CFxPressure, <name>_CFyPressure, <name>_CFzPressure, <name>_CMxPressure, <name>_CMyPressure, <name>_CMzPressure, <name>_CLViscous, <name>_CDViscous, <name>_CFxViscous, <name>_CFyViscous, <name>_CFzViscous, <name>_CMxViscous, <name>_CMyViscous, <name>_CMzViscous, <name>_HeatTransfer, where name is the name of the no-slip wall surface.

  • total_forces_v2.csv - total forces of the case integrated over all no-slip walls. The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, CL, CD, CFx, CFy, CFz, CMx, CMy, CMz, CLPressure, CDPressure, CFxPressure, CFyPressure, CFzPressure, CMxPressure, CMyPressure, CMzPressure, CLViscous, CDViscous, CFxViscous, CFyViscous, CFzViscous, CMxViscous, CMyViscous, CMzViscous, HeatTransfer

  • bet_forces_v2.csv - forces from BET model. The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, Disk<i>_Force_x, Disk<i>_Force_y, Disk<i>_Force_z, Disk<i>_Moment_x, Disk<i>_Moment_y, Disk<i>_Moment_z, Disk<i>_Blade<b>_R<j>_Radius, Disk<i>_Blade<b>_R<j>_ThrustCoeff, Disk<i>_Blade<b>_R<j>_TorqueCoeff, where i is an index of BET disk, b is an index of the blade, and j is an index of the loading node.

  • actuatorDisk_output_v2.csv - output of actuatorDisk model. The header of the file is physical_step, pseudo_step, Disk<i>_Power, where i is an index of the actuator disk.

  • caseId (str) – Case Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • src (str) – Filename to be downloaded.

  • target (str, optional) – Filename to be used to save the file locally. If not provided the local filename will be the same as src, by default None

flow360client.case.DownloadSurfaceResults(caseId, fileName=None)#

Downloads surface results for a give caseId.

  • caseId (str) – Case Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • fileName (str, optional) – Filename to be used to save the file. Must end with ‘.tar.gz’. If not provided, the file will be saved as ‘surfaces.tar.gz’, by default None

flow360client.case.DownloadVolumetricResults(caseId, fileName=None)#

Downloads volumetric results for a give caseId.

  • caseId (str) – Case Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • fileName (str, optional) – Filename to be used to save the file locally. Must end with ‘.tar.gz’. If not provided, the file will be saved as ‘volumes.tar.gz’, by default None


Parses information about case of given caseId


caseId (str) – Case Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns http response.

Return type

http response


Gets solver linear residuals for a given caseId


caseId (str) – Case Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns dict consisting linear residuals for all the equations. The format is the following (for a case with SpalartAllmaras turbulence model):

    'physical_step':                        [...],
    'pseudo_step':                          [...],
    '0_NavierStokes_linearIterations':      [...],
    '0_cont':                               [...],
    '1_momx':                               [...],
    '2_momy':                               [...],
    '3_momz':                               [...],
    '4_energ':                              [...],
    '5_SpalartAllmaras_linearIterations':   [...],
    '5_nuHat':                              [...]

Return type



Gets solver nonlinear residuals for a given caseId


caseId (str) – Case Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns dict consisting nonlinear residuals for all the equations. The format is the following:

    'physical_step': [...],
    'pseudo_step':   [...],
    '0_cont':        [...],
    '1_momx':        [...],
    '2_momy':        [...],
    '3_momz':        [...],
    '4_energ':       [...],
    '5_nuHat':       [...]

Return type



For a given caseId gets the case’s total forces


caseId (str) – Case Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns a dict consisting total forces in the following format:

    'physical_step':    [...],
    'pseudo_step':      [...],
    'CL':               [...],
    'CD':               [...],
    'CFx':              [...],
    'CFy':              [...],
    'CFz':              [...],
    'CMx':              [...],
    'CMy':              [...],
    'CMz':              [...],
    'CLPressure':       [...],
    'CDPressure':       [...],
    'CFxPressure':      [...],
    'CFyPressure':      [...],
    'CFzPressure':      [...],
    'CMxPressure':      [...],
    'CMyPressure':      [...],
    'CMzPressure':      [...],
    'CLViscous':        [...],
    'CDViscous':        [...],
    'CFxViscous':       [...],
    'CFyViscous':       [...],
    'CFzViscous':       [...],
    'CMxViscous':       [...],
    'CMyViscous':       [...],
    'CMzViscous':       [...],
    'HeatTransfer':     [...]

Return type



Deleted mesh of given meshId


meshId (str) – Mesh Id to be deleted. Format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns http response of the delete operation.

Return type

http response


Parses information about mesh of given meshId


meshId (str) – Mesh Id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns http response.

Return type

http response


Gets list of meshes.


include_deleted (bool, optional) – Whether to include deleted meshes in the list, by default False


List of meshes

Return type



Deletes surface mesh of given surfaceMeshId


surfaceMeshId (str) – Surface mesh id to be deleted. Format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns http response of the delete operation.

Return type

http response


Parses information about surface mesh of given surfaceMeshId


surfaceMeshId (str) – Surface mesh id of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Returns http response.

Return type

http response


Gets list of surface meshes


include_deleted (bool, optional) – Whether to include deleted meshes in the list, by default False


List of surface meshes

Return type
