How do I calculate photonic band diagrams using the ResonanceFinder?

How do I calculate photonic band diagrams using the ResonanceFinder?#



2023-12-20 19:13:49

Resonance Finder

To calculate photonic band diagrams using Tidy3D you can excite the structure with several tidy3d.PointDipole sources and measure the response with several tidy3d.FieldTimeMonitor monitors. You should excite modes with a fixed Bloch wavevector by using tidy3d.BlochBoundary boundary conditions. Then, use the tidy3d.plugins.resonance.ResonanceFinder to find the resonant frequencies. By sweeping the Bloch wavevector, you can obtain the complete band structure of a photonic crystal structure.

This notebook shows a complete example of calculating a band diagram of a photonic crystal slab.