
class LinearChargePerturbation[source]#

Bases: ChargePerturbation

Specifies parameter’s perturbation due to free carrier effects as a linear function of electron and hole densities:

  • electron_range (Tuple[NonNegativeFloat, NonNegativeFloat] = (0, inf)) – Range of electrons densities in which perturbation model is valid.

  • hole_range (Tuple[NonNegativeFloat, NonNegativeFloat] = (0, inf)) – Range of holes densities in which perturbation model is valid.

  • electron_ref (NonNegativeFloat) – [units = 1/cm^3]. Electron density value at which there is no perturbation due to electrons’s presence.

  • hole_ref (NonNegativeFloat) – [units = 1/cm^3]. Hole density value at which there is no perturbation due to holes’ presence.

  • electron_coeff (float) – [units = cm^3]. Sensitivity (derivative) of perturbation with respect to electron density.

  • hole_coeff (float) – [units = cm^3]. Sensitivity (derivative) of perturbation with respect to hole density.


\[\Delta X (T) = \text{electron\_coeff} \times (N_e - \text{electron\_ref}) + \text{hole\_coeff} \times (N_h - \text{hole\_ref}),\]

where electron_coeff and hole_coeff are the parameter’s sensitivities to electron and hole densities, while electron_ref and hole_ref are reference electron and hole density values. Ranges of electron and hole densities in which such a model is deemed accurate may be provided as fields electron_range and hole_range (default: [0, inf] each). Wherever is applied, Tidy3D will check that the parameter’s value does not go out of its physical bounds within electron_range x hole_range due to perturbations and raise a warning if this check fails. A warning is also issued if the perturbation model is evaluated outside of electron_range x hole_range.


>>> charge_perturb = LinearChargePerturbation(
...     electron_ref=0,
...     electron_coeff=0.0001,
...     electron_range=[0, 1e19],
...     hole_ref=0,
...     hole_coeff=0.0002,
...     hole_range=[0, 2e19],
... )



Whether perturbation is complex valued.


Range of possible perturbation values within provided electron_range and hole_range.


sample(electron_density, hole_density)

Sample perturbation at electron and hole density points.

Inherited Common Usage

property perturbation_range#

Range of possible perturbation values within provided electron_range and hole_range.

sample(electron_density, hole_density)[source]#

Sample perturbation at electron and hole density points.

  • electron_density (Union[ArrayLike[float], SpatialDataArray]) – Electron density sample point(s).

  • hole_density (Union[ArrayLike[float], SpatialDataArray]) – Hole density sample point(s).


Cannot provide a SpatialDataArray for one argument and a regular array (list, tuple, numpy.nd_array) for the other. Additionally, if both arguments are regular arrays they must be one-dimensional arrays.


Sampled perturbation value(s).

Return type:

Union[ArrayLike[float], ArrayLike[Complex], SpatialDataArray]

property is_complex#

Whether perturbation is complex valued.


Hash method.