- class SemiconductorMedium[source]#
This class is used to define semiconductors.
- Parameters:
attrs (dict = {}) β Dictionary storing arbitrary metadata for a Tidy3D object. This dictionary can be freely used by the user for storing data without affecting the operation of Tidy3D as it is not used internally. Note that, unlike regular Tidy3D fields,
are mutable. For example, the following is allowed for setting anattr
obj.attrs['foo'] = bar
. Also note that Tidy3D` will raise aTypeError
contain objects that can not be serialized. One can check ifattrs
are serializable by callingobj.json()
.name (Optional[str] = None) β Optional unique name for medium.
frequency_range (Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None) β [units = (Hz, Hz)]. Optional range of validity for the medium.
allow_gain (bool = False) β Allow the medium to be active. Caution: simulations with a gain medium are unstable, and are likely to diverge.Simulations where βallow_gainβ is set to βTrueβ will still be charged even if diverged. Monitor data up to the divergence point will still be returned and can be useful in some cases.
nonlinear_spec (Union[NonlinearSpec, NonlinearSusceptibility] = None) β Nonlinear spec applied on top of the base medium properties.
modulation_spec (Optional[ModulationSpec] = None) β Modulation spec applied on top of the base medium properties.
viz_spec (Optional[VisualizationSpec] = None) β Plotting specification for visualizing medium.
heat_spec (Union[FluidSpec, SolidSpec, SolidMedium, FluidMedium, NoneType] = None) β DEPRECATED: Use td.MultiPhysicsMedium. Specification of the medium heat properties. They are used for solving the heat equation via the
interface. Such simulations can beused for investigating the influence of heat propagation on the properties of optical systems. Once the temperature distribution in the system is found usingHeatSimulation
can be used to convert mediums with perturbation models defined into spatially dependent custom mediums. Otherwise, theheat_spec
does not directly affect the running of an opticalSimulation
.permittivity (ConstrainedFloatValue = 1.0) β [units = None (relative permittivity)]. Relative permittivity.
N_c (PositiveFloat) β [units = cm^(-3)]. $N_c$ Effective density of states in the conduction band.
N_v (PositiveFloat) β [units = cm^(-3)]. $N_v$ Effective density of states in the valence band.
E_g (PositiveFloat) β [units = eV]. Band-gap energy
mobility_n (Union[CaugheyThomasMobility, ConstantMobilityModel]) β Mobility model for electrons
mobility_p (Union[CaugheyThomasMobility, ConstantMobilityModel]) β Mobility model for holes
R (Tuple[Union[AugerRecombination, RadiativeRecombination, ShockleyReedHallRecombination], ...] = []) β Array containing the R models to be applied to the material.
delta_E_g (Optional[SlotboomBandGapNarrowing] = None) β Bandgap narrowing model.
N_a (Union[NonNegativeFloat, SpatialDataArray, Tuple[Union[tidy3d.components.tcad.doping.ConstantDoping, tidy3d.components.tcad.doping.GaussianDoping], ...]] = 0) β [units = 1/cm^3]. Units of 1/cm^3
N_d (Union[NonNegativeFloat, SpatialDataArray, Tuple[Union[tidy3d.components.tcad.doping.ConstantDoping, tidy3d.components.tcad.doping.GaussianDoping], ...]] = 0) β [units = 1/cm^3]. Units of 1/cm^3
Semiconductors are associated with
simulations. During these simulations the Drift-Diffusion (DD) equations will be solved in semiconductors. In what follows, a description of the assumptions taken and its limitations is put forward.The iso-thermal DD equations are summarized here
\[\begin{equation} - \nabla \cdot \left( \varepsilon_0 \varepsilon_r \nabla \psi \right) = q \left( p - n + N_d^+ - N_a^- \right) \end{equation}\]\[\begin{equation} q \frac{\partial n}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot \mathbf{J_n} - qR \end{equation}\]\[\begin{equation} q \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} = -\nabla \cdot \mathbf{J_p} - qR \end{equation}\]As well as iso-thermal, the system is considered to be at \(T=300\). This restriction will be removed in future releases.
The above system requires the definition of the flux functions (free carrier current density), \(\mathbf{J_n}\) and \(\mathbf{J_p}\). We consider the usual form
\[\begin{equation} \mathbf{J_n} = q \mu_n \mathbf{F_{n}} + q D_n \nabla n \end{equation}\]\[\begin{equation} \mathbf{J_p} = q \mu_p \mathbf{F_{p}} - q D_p \nabla p \end{equation}\]where we simplify the effective field defined in [1] to
\[\begin{equation} \mathbf{F_{n,p}} = \nabla \psi \end{equation}\]i.e., we are not considering the effect of band-gab narrowing and degeneracy on the effective electric field \(\mathbf{F_{n,p}}\). This is a good approximation for non-degenerate semiconductors.
Letβs explore how material properties are defined as class parameters or other classes.
Parameter Name
Ionized acceptors density
Ionized donors density
Effective density of states in the conduction band.
Effective density of states in valence band.
Generation-Recombination term.
Bandgap Energy.
\(\Delta E_g\)
Bandgap Narrowing.
Electrical conductivity.
Relative permittivity.
Fundamental electron charge.
>>> import tidy3d as td >>> default_Si = td.SemiconductorMedium( ... N_c=2.86e19, ... N_v=3.1e19, ... E_g=1.11, ... mobility_n=td.CaugheyThomasMobility( ... mu_min=52.2, ... mu=1471.0, ... ref_N=9.68e16, ... exp_N=0.68, ... exp_1=-0.57, ... exp_2=-2.33, ... exp_3=2.4, ... exp_4=-0.146, ... ), ... mobility_p=td.CaugheyThomasMobility( ... mu_min=44.9, ... mu=470.5, ... ref_N=2.23e17, ... exp_N=0.719, ... exp_1=-0.57, ... exp_2=-2.33, ... exp_3=2.4, ... exp_4=-0.146, ... ), ... R=([ ... td.ShockleyReedHallRecombination( ... tau_n=3.3e-6, ... tau_p=4e-6 ... ), ... td.RadiativeRecombination( ... r_const=1.6e-14 ... ), ... td.AugerRecombination( ... c_n=2.8e-31, ... c_p=9.9e-32 ... ), ... ]), ... delta_E_g=td.SlotboomBandGapNarrowing( ... v1=6.92 * 1e-3, ... n2=1.3e17, ... c2=0.5, ... min_N=1e15, ... ), ... N_a=0, ... N_d=0 ... )
Current limitations of the formulation include:
Boltzmann statistics are supported
Iso-thermal equations with \(T=300K\)
Steady state only
Dopants are considered to be fully ionized
Both \(N_a\) and \(N_d\) can be either a positive number or an
.Default values for parameters and models are those appropriate for Silicon.
The current implementation is a good approximation for non-degenerate semiconductors.
Inherited Common Usage
- N_c#
- N_v#
- E_g#
- mobility_n#
- mobility_p#
- R#
- delta_E_g#
- N_a#
- N_d#
- __hash__()#
Hash method.